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수많은 상품을 한번에 POS용 핸드터미널 (DT-930) 본문

포스 주변기기

수많은 상품을 한번에 POS용 핸드터미널 (DT-930)

자바포스 기술지원팀 2008. 1. 14. 00:52

CASIO DT-930 시리즈

Merchandise management at its best

The DT-930 has everything needed to facilitate operations in procurement, incoming goods control, job data acquisition and inventory control. CASIO's smallest handheld terminal yet also makes your work a lot easier during order picking and traditional stocktaking.

A joy to use in any situation

With a display area of between 0 and 45 cm, adjustable scanning width and an extremely ergonomic shape,
the DT-930 is easy to use in almost every situation. It records one-dimensional barcodes quickly and reliably thanks to 100 scans per second. Its acoustic, optical and vibrating acknowledgement also lets you check that scans have been successful, even in unforgiving surroundings and for damaged or faded codes.

210 grams - light and extremely robust

Its compact and light construction means the DT-930 is durable under impact from drops of up to 1.8 metres in height onto a concrete surface. In accordance with protection classification IP54, the robust handheld terminal is also resistant to environmental effects such as dust and water splashes in its normal working life, making the DT-930 particularly suitable for use in the field. The DT-930 works perfectly at temperatures of -20°C to 50°Celsius,
so it can also be used in cold storage areas

Top readability and power management

The high-contrast monochrome display for the DT-930 has 126x64 pixels and six adjustable character sizes,
so it is easy to use in all lighting conditions, and backlighting on the display and keyboard makes
life even simpler.
The flat lithium-ion battery that comes with the modern handheld terminal can also be replaced with standard 1.5V batteries (AA-size), if required. The efficient power management means that the operational life of the DT-930 then increases to 200 hours. 

Interface diversity and computing power  

With a 32 bit RISC processor and 4 MB RAM (16 MB F-ROM), the DT-930 has more than enough computing power to deal with the most demanding applications. Its standard Bluetooth� and IrDA interfaces means that communication with portable printers or host computer systems is straightforward and secure. Your CASIO?accessories include suitable I/O boxes with loading and communication functions, plus a serial interface or USB port. 

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Ü시오 핸드터미널 DT-930 시리즈

•중소형 마트 편의점에 적합한 핸드터미널 
• 사용하기 편한 인체 공학적 설계
• 저전력 사용으로 빠른 데이터 싱크
• 외식업, 의류 업, 유통업, 서점 그리고 약국 및 병원 등 다양한 전문매장에 적합한 장비
• 상품데이터를 수집하여 판매가격 변경,거래처변경,매입등을 판매 단말기 서버에 싱크하여 전송할수 있습니다.

Readable barcode width 60 - 390 mm
Readable distance 0 to 450 mm
Resolution min. 0.127 mm
Readable codes EAN, UPC-A/E, CODABAR, ITF, Code39, Code93, Code128, MSI, IATA, Industrial 2 of 5
Scanning speed 100 scans/sec.
Additional function Laser swing angle control
Resolution 128 x 64 dots
Font sizes 6, 8 and 10 point
max.lines/columns 10 x 21 characters
Back light yes (LED)
Status-LED yes (3-color LED)
Buzzer Sound level 75 db or more
Vibration yes
Type numeric, alphanumeric, CLR, BS, S, Multifunctional buttons (left and right), F1-F8, Power button
Number of keys 28
Additional ergonomic
Infrared IrDA Vers. 1.1 (4 MbpS)
Bluetooth� Bluetooth� Vers. 1.2
Main power supply 2 x alkaline batteries (AA size)or lithium-ion battery pack
Back-up power supply lithium-ion backup cell, Memory backup of up to one month
Operating life 200 hrs (with AA size alkaline batteries)
50 hrs (with lithium-ion battery pack)
Energy management
Auto off yes, adjustable
Auto light off yes, adjustable
Low battery warning yes
Emergency off yes
Operating temperature -20°C to +50°C
Water splashproof IP54
Drop durability 1.8 m
Dimensions (L x W x H) approx. 173 x 70 x 32 mm
Weight approx. 210 g

JABAPOS ™ (Point of Sale)는 중소기업을 위한 POS 전문 개발 브랜드입니다.
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포스 프로그램입니다. 다양한 고객사의 요구로 개선된 기능과 추가 기능들을 취합하여 업데이트 및 업그레이드를 진행하고 있으며, 이를 통해 귀하의 비즈니스를
능동적으로 대체할 수 있습니다. 알림을 받지 못하였거나, 건너뛴 경우 수동으로 업그레이드를 하셔야 합니다.

위 글에서 설명드린 것과 같이 자바 포스에서는 도소매업체에 필요한 기능들 ( 편의점, 슈퍼마켓, 주얼리샵, 철물점, ) 입출고 관리와 재고관리, 바코드를 이용한 다양한 상품관리 등을 효율적으로 할 수 있는 활용방법에 대해 설명드렸습니다.
POS 프로그램을 다운로드하시려면 아래 링크를 참고하십시오
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고객센터 : 070-4077-5100으로 문의하십시오. 본 프로그램은 외국어 버전 ( 영어, 중국어, 일본어 )에서도 동일한 기능을 지원하고 있습니다 아래 링크를 선택하시면 실시간 상담 (24시간) 1:1 카카오 상담을 지원하고 있습니다.



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